
SEO CLASS: Google Keyword Tool

Google Keyword Tool:

This tool is used for keyword researching, with this tool one can easily know the competition and traffic a particular search term gets.
Based on these results we can roughly estimate the time frame in which we can get the top rank, how easily we can get the top rank and how many visitors we can expect to our webpage once we get the top rank for that particular search term.

Go to : and out here please enter your list of keywords or topics.

Enter your keywords in the keywords column and click search then, tick the 'exact option' on the left side.

Herein, you can see thousands of keywords that are related to the content of your website, choose the set of keywords where the traffic is maximum and at the same time the competition is less, it is ideal to choose the keywords where the comptition is below 20%.

Write the list of such keywords and then choose the keyword in the list that has maximum traffic, as your domain name, at times such domain names might not be available so, atleast see that your domain name starts with those words.


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